cause: preparing minority girls for C-suite positions

STEAM and International Sisterhood Academies (SIS) is a planned all-girl charter school in Aurora, CO, with a blended focus on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) and international learning.

Branding Initiative

The chin is lifted, gaze point steady, in aspiration of becoming.

When two like-minded women of equally yoked education backgrounds decided to embark upon a big undertaking—starting their own charter school for minority girls—they needed an identity to help them gain traction. Titled Aspiration, the selected concept is negative space-inspired with silhouettes illustrating the progression from girl to woman, student to C-suite title holder. This woman girl duality is also emblematic of the school’s ‘sisterhood’ naming origin.

The serif font is feminine and stylistic, yet dominant. Liberties were taken to deconstruct it—meaning no one else will have an exact replica—and a monochromatic color scheme was applied. This logo is an embodiment of the girls who will attend this school and achieve in life.



Warrior Rising